vest: tjmaxx tee: target jeans: gap sandals: old navy
I love this vest and love that I can wear it in any season. And these tees from Target are my favorite. Comfortable, long and cheap!
I have hopefully only two more dentist appointments to go and I can't wait to be done. I have a seriously hard time accepcting that we have to pay over $3000 in two months of dentist appointments and can't help but think of all the things I'd rather spend money on.
Yesterday we went to the beach for the first time this summer and Addi loved it and cried when we had to leave. It was tiring and sandy and messy but I'm so glad we went and look forward to many more beach mornings this summer.
I can't stop watching Friday Night Lights. Chris and I watched the whole series many years ago and I am glad I'm starting over. Now if only I could spent this whole weekend watching season 2.
We leave for Florida in a week and a half to go on vacation with Chris' family. I'm super excited and know that Addilyn will have a blast. I'm feeling a little anxious (okay, maybe more than a little) about how Addilyn will do with the plane ride, car rides there, but more so with sleep. We'll be in a hotel for half of it, then renting a house the other half, both of which all three of us will share a room and she'll be in a pack and play. I'm afraid she won't sleep well, go down easily or take naps. Surely hoping she surprises me and does great! We're going to Disney one day so any tips or suggestions for our day would be appreciated!
Can't wait to read about your trip to Florida! You guys will have a blast!
Dental bills are the worst. Hope your visits wrap up soon and you can put it all behind you.
My sleep tips for your upcoming travel... try to keep Addilyn's bedtime routine the same even though the time/location may be different. (Same pjs, same rocking/story/songs, same lovey items, etc) We always share a room with Olive so we try to keep a night light on, keep our bags near the door or in the bathroom so we don't wake her when we come to bed and make the room dark. We've tacked blankets over windows before :) Take advantage of car naps, stroller naps and try to plan some down time into your days for Addilyn to run around. Traveling with a toddler is totally doable and the memories are worth the effort :) Remember that she will sleep, you will have a great time and you'll figure out your vacation routine. I'll be praying for a great, easy trip for everyone.
I had never watched Friday Night Lights before but we watched the entire series this past winter. It was so good!!!! #texasforever
THAT VEST!!! I love it! I need it!! Haha, so adorable on you girly :)
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