Dear Lauren and Lauren,
It's been far too long since I've written a letter to either of you. And I am so sorry. You are who this blog was created for! Maybe we need to do more girls trips and then I'll write about the three of us all the time. Can we go back to a few weekends ago? What a fun two days!
top: old navy vest: c/o shein leggings: gap maternity boots: just fab
I wore this on the second day there and we clearly all think alike, as comfy tops, leggings and boots won for all three of us. We went to a cute little town about an hour away and spent two days walking around shops, eating, hanging out, playing Nertz and talking. So so fun to have quality time with you girls!
If you think I look ridiculously tired, it's because I slept maybe two and half hours at our hotel. Thank you Lauren in law for switching spots with me at 2:30 in the morning so I could be more comfortable. I'm sorry I got sick and was a dud the second half of the day on Saturday! Thankfully the two of you could enjoy some wine tasting while I went back to the coffee shop for apple cider and almost fell asleep. Next time I'm joining you and your wine!
We went to this super cute coffee shop Saturday morning and the barista wrote cute messages on our cups. Lauren and Lauren went ahead of me and my mom kept telling me to tell her my name was Lauren. But I obviously did not and she wrote "Katie #1, only sweet Katie" on my cup. Lauren got #1 in the house and poor Lauren in Law went first and didn't get anything. Thanks to my mom's trendy earrings she got Carol "with the fasionista earrings." My sweet Aunt Janny was there too and I know someone has a picture of all five of us, but I don't! She flew in from California and it was so nice to spend time with her too!
Can we please make this an annual thing? Or even better do it a few times a year? It was so great spending time with my favorite girls and I'm so lucky to love spending time with my sisters as much as I do. You two are the best and I love you so much!

love the pictures
Aren't those days the best? Gotta love girl time :)
P.S. - Adorable outfit!!
This sounds like the best time!! How special!! I love that you have 2 Lauren's!!
I like your post.
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