I'm so thankful for pictures. I'm always sad when Christmas is over but looking at pictures makes me feel so much happier. I'm loving all the family time the last few days and look forward to another six days of being together. Here are some of our Christmas pictures:
Chris and I tried for about 15 minutes to get a good picture of my niece and nephew. I now understand why my sister doesn't have more pictures of them together. Here is one of the many fails:
My sister's beautiful family!
After our Christmas Eve church service, we went back to my parents for dinner. As we were finishing eating the power went out in all but one room - the one we weren't in and the one without the Christmas tree. After spending much time trying to find out how to fix it we decided we'd move the kids' presents into the other room where there was power. Here's my little helper with his own head light. : )
While it was definitely not our normal Christmas Eve plan it ended up just fine and we'll definitely remember it! (the power did come back on a few hours later)
Christmas morning we spend with Chris' family, eating breakfast and of course opening presents with his parents, brother and sister in law, and their kids.
me with my niece and nephews
My niece, Gracie, was so excited to give me my gift. It was a piggy bank that she picked out herself and was so convinced it was exactly what I needed. She was so excited to give it to me - it was adorable and I love her!
Yea - a sewing box!
I'm excited to share some of the gifts that I made for my family in the next few days - more pictures to come!
My brother was with his fiance, Lauren, this Christmas and they come home on Wednesday, which means continued family time! I'm also very happy to have more days off school and enjoy more time with this sweet baby before she goes home to Vermont:
Hope you all had wonderful Christmas' and are still able to enjoy time with family this week!

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