. . . for Lauren and Lauren: Valentine's Day Decorations

January 22, 2012

Valentine's Day Decorations

(Sometimes I wish our tv wasn't there because I think it ruins my pictures!)

I've never decorated for Valentine's day before, but pinterest inspired me to change up some of my Winter decorations.  Last weekend I made a few things and I love how they all turned out.  

Here's some close ups: 

I made the one on the left by gluing candy hearts to a styrofoam ball, sticking a skewer stick it in, filling a bucket I got in the dollar spot at Target with sand and putting it in it!  

I filled a mason jar with the rest of the candy hearts.  
The rosette ball was really easy too.  

All you need is red streamers, a styrofoam ball and a glue gun. 

Cut a piece about three or four feet long and fold it in half as you go.  

Start twisting your streamer into a circle to form a little rose bud.  

Keep twisting until you use all your piece.  Put a large circle of glue on your styrofoam ball and place the flower on top.  

This is a little time consuming, but my styrofoam ball wasn't too big so it didn't take too long. 

 This was an old vase that didn't match any of our stuff.  I cut out squares of an old text book and used modge podge to cover the vase.  

The banner is my favorite part!  I've seen a few on pinterest and decided to make my own.  It only took me about a half hour to make. 

First I cut out my banner pieces from burlap.  Then I cut out my hearts and glued them onto the burlap with my glue gun.  I then used my sewing machine to sew the pendents onto a piece of twine.  
I love how it turned out! 

Here's a peek at what I made this weekend: 

This skirt was definitely the hardest sewing project I've made yet.  I can't wait to wear it this week!

Hope you had a nice weekend!

Linking up with:

drab to fab link up


Keeping up with the Cantelmo's

One Artsy Mama


Bree said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I love this entire post! You are so crafty :)
You're inspiration needs to rub off on me.


Michelle said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates


Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

cute decorations! you make me want to decorate now!!

xoxo, megan

Lina - Fancy Frugal Life said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Visiting from COM:
I love all burlap banners..Yours it too cute!

Lisa @ Organized Chaos said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I found your blog with a post being featured on g*rated Sunday Best link up! Had to come check your blog out. Very cute...I love your tutorial for the Valentines stuff. I may have to make a trip to the craft store! I'm a new follower and look forward to seeing more of your blog!
~Lisa @ Organized Chaos

Rebecca said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Cute decorations! And I love your skirt!

See Me Rwar

Chrissy + Nate said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Cute, cute, and cute! That banner is precious and great job on the skirt!!! :)

Megan, TfDiaries.com said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

So lovely, makes me want to do it now! :D

Brittany said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Love it all! That banner is especially darling. You did a great job on your skirt too...you're so talented Katie!

Alana Christine said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Very cute! You're so creative!!

Chelsea Leigh said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Very VERY cute!!!! I adore the banner!! Definitely my favorite. XOXO!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Valentine's Day AND crafts? Two of my favorite things. :) cute cute cute!

henning love said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

great valentine's decorations katie! i have been kicking myself for not being able to make the rosettes, they look so easy but for some reason i can't. aargghh!! i want to use candy hearts for decorating my place, they are so cute

Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Love the banner. I think I have the makings of one of my in my craft stash. Thanks for sharing. (I saw your post on Craft-o-matic)

Makin Memories Of Us said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I love the banner!! New from Share the Love link up :)

Elizabeth @ Cheers, Elizabeth said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

WOW! I wish I was that crafty! I'm hoping to not mess up tying ribbon onto a wreath! Looks like you have an absolutely gorgeous mantle!

Stopping by from the hop!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

It turned out so cute!! You are so creative!!! Thanks for linking up! I hope you link up next week!! :)

Laynah said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Too cute! I adore valentines decorations.

Kodi ODay said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Your banner is so cute!! And I would love to try the tissue rose thing, but mine would end up looking like crumpled tissue paper in a ball.
Just stopping by from The Blog Tap!

Nasreen said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I so love this post and so glad I came across it :) I have been thinking of decorating my new and you have given me so many ideas :) Thank you for being the light bulb :)

PS: do follow my blog :) its still new but I will appreciate it :) http://tanzanitesdream.blogspot.com/


amy and jesse hudson said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I really like this! Ditto on the Pinspiration thing. I have a feeling that men all over the world are becoming pleasantly surprised / confused / humored by their wives' newfound passion for decorating because of Pinterest.
That was deep, but oh well!
Thanks for linking up Katie!
Amy @ Sugar and Spice

Mindie Hilton said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Super cute decor'. Good luck from Bacon Time.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

You posting are wonderful and informative.
Valentine Love