pants and shirt: kohls jacket and shoes: target
1. As a week full of many sick days, I'm thankful for some extra outfit pictures I haven't used, like this one. Definitely beats showing you pictures of me in sweatpants. 
2. Have you heard about the Boy Meets World Sequel? Apparently they are making a spin off with Cory and Topanga's daughter called Girl Meets World. This was my favorite childhood show and yet another reason why I want cable!
3. My sister in law made this tree skirt last week and am I super impressed. I told her she needs to make one for me.
4. The company My Memories Suite generously gave me a chance to review their scrapbook software and it came at perfect timing, as I was able to use some of our pictures from getting our Christmas tree. I had so much fun playing around with all the different options. It was really easy to figure out and I plan on using it a lot.
Years ago I made scrapbooks and did a few for our wedding, and dating years, but I love this so much more! You can make your own scrapbook and then print it from home or use their printing company to turn it into a book. You can also make cards, videos, photo books and more!
Here's another one I made from our trip to the Dells in the Fall.
My Memories Suite is also giving you a code to use towards $10 off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store! Just use code: STMMMS16589
Hope you have a great weekend!