. . . for Lauren and Lauren: ONE

March 9, 2017


Dear Isaac - 

Happy happy birthday sweet boy! You are ONE years old and I can not believe it.  You've gone from 8 pounds to 19 and a half.  You're a little over 29 inches long, and just a little peanut.  You have these little little legs, and a longer torso, a full head of hair that needs to be cut, and three teeth.  The sweetest little dimple on your cheeks, and brown big eyes.  You hair is getting lighter and almost has a little bit of red in it.  You could not be cuter. 

I sound like a broken record but you are just the happiest, sweetest little boy.  It's so easy to make you laugh and smile.  You lay on your back and flail your arms around laughing, sometimes just at the ceiling.  You've done that since you were a few months old and it cracks me up.  You love being thrown in the air, playing chase, crawling around the floor, driving little cars around, and throwing balls.  You've taken a few steps and are slowly getting sturdier, but still prefer crawling and you move so fast doing so.  You always want to go outside and cry when we have to come back in.  You are going to love summer! 

You still hate the car and cry and fuss a lot of the time.  If I give you my phone with songs on it, sometimes that makes you happy for awhile.  You don't like your hands and face cleaned off after meals and do not like having your diaper changed.  But that's about it for things you don't like! 

When you are around new people you're pretty shy, just watching everyone.  At your party you were pretty quiet and just watched everyone.  You loved opening your presents and wanted to play with each toy you got.  You do a pretty good job playing with things on your own for a little bit.  You and Addi have started to play together some and I can't wait until you can do that more!  You love her and get so excited when she gets up in the morning or from a nap.  You still love Molly and always want to hang on her and hug her.  

You're a pretty good eater and get excited about food.  You're still nursing many times throughout the day and a few at night (which I'd love to work on soon!).  You take two naps a day around 9:30 and close to 2 and usually sleep an hour or a little longer for each.  You go down at bedtime super easy and love holding your puppy when you sleep.  

I don't think we could've been given a happier, sweeter baby.  You are such a blessing and I am so thankful God picked me to be your mom.  This last year has been exhausting and an adjustment, but oh so worth it.  You remind me that God can do miracles and that we never know what His plan is. And boy is His plan sweet.  We love you more than you know Isaac Jordan!  Happy birthday to my favorite boy.  I love being your mama.  

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J and A said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

He is the cutest! Happy 1 year sweet boy!! XO