Dear Addilyn,
It's hard to believe that you are four months old already. I have a feeling I'm going to say that every month though. This month has been so fun as you're little personality is coming out more and more. You are such a happy baby and smile a lot! Your big gummy smile and beautiful big eyes are one of my favorite things about you.
You still love the mornings and it's my favorite time of the day with you. We sit on the living room floor, I drink my coffee and we play for about an hour before you take a nap. Most of the time we are on the floor you quickly roll over to your tummy. You finally don't mind being on your stomach for a good amount of time, but you aren't so great at getting back to your back when you're done.
You notice so much now! You love looking at and watching Molly and don't even mind when she licks you. You love looking at things around our house and love playing with all your toys. It's funny to me that you already have an opinion of what things you like to play with and what you don't care for.
This month you got a pretty bad cold. It was so sad. You had a hard time breathing out of your nose and were so stuffy, with a bad cough. We had two incredibly rough nights where we both slept terribly! That started your bad sleeping phase, which you are still in! We are anxiously awaiting for you to grow out of it and go back to being a pretty decent sleeper. You probably find it funny at the different things that I try to attribute your bad sleeping to and all the things that I try to get you to sleep, when it probably just comes down to the fact that you aren't ready to sleep for long stretches and just aren't a great sleeper. (yet, hopefully!).
You take most of your naps in your crib and although I like having some time to get things done myself, I miss those naps on the cough and your snuggles. So once in awhile I hold you while you nap and I hope you keep letting me do it here and there because I love it!
This month we celebrated Halloween and you dressed up as the cutest cow ever! I've never been a fan of Halloween until this year. It's much more fun with a baby, even though you won't remember it. We went to your cousins house to see them all dressed up and then stopped at Uncle Jacob's and Aunt Lauren's on our way home. Next year you'll get to go trick or treating with them!
So many of the pictures that I try to take look like this because you are always moving. You also started laughing a lot. Sometimes you do this almost fake sounding laugh and it is so funny. But a handful of times you've given us this full on belly laugh with this little higher pitched giggle and I'm not sure anything has ever made me smile bigger. I can't wait until you do that all the time!
You're getting really good at taking pictures and most of the time we can get you to smile! I hope you keep cooperating for pictures because I plan to continue to take a ton of them. I still love dressing you every day, which is a good thing because since you drool all the time we go through about four outfits a day. I keep thinking all this drooling will result in some teeth but so far you are teeth free!
I'm pretty sure this next month is going to be my favorite as we get to celebrate Thanksgiving and then Christmas. I can't wait to do all of our traditions with you and start some new ones too. I love the happy, sweet little girl you are turning into and love watching you grow but wouldn't mind if time would slow down just a little. You continue to be such a blessing and I still have moments where I can't believe that I am your mom. I love you so much Addilyn Jane and think you are the best thing ever!
your mom