. . . for Lauren and Lauren: For the Love

August 19, 2015

For the Love

I've had an awesome opportunity to part of the launch team for Jen Hatmaker's new book, For the Love.  It came out yesterday and I can't wait for you guys to read it.  It is funny, truth telling and a book that I will definitely read again and again.  I am re-reading it again now and I feel like there are too many lessons and challenges to share in one post, so I'll probably do a few in the next month or so.  

The first chapter is called Worst Beam Ever, and I think any woman could relate to.  The idea that we are expected to "do it all" and have everything put together.  I'm sure woman have always struggled with this, but I imagine social media making this a heck of a lot harder battle.  It's so easy to compare your life to someone elses and feel inadequate about what you are or are not doing.  

Jen compares your life to walking on a balance beam, and that there is no way to balance it all. Some things have to come off your beam if you're going to make it.  

And I think what's on and off your beam definitely changes throughout seasons.  For example, cooking dinner a few nights a week is normally something I like to try (key word try) to keep on my beam.  Cooking dinner even one night a week while disgustingly sick and nauseous and pregnant? Completely off my beam.  

One thing that has been hard for me since getting pregnant is that Addilyn and I leave our house far less than we did before.  We almost always went somewhere, even if just an errand, before nap and again after a nap.  Lots of playdates, time outside, and going places.  The last two months? That just isn't possible for me.  If you can believe it I have maybe been to Target twice in the last 10 weeks? Shocking, right? Running errands, going to parks, being outside in the heat?  Completely off my beam right now.  There was a part of me that felt really guilty at first, and like I was not being the best mom to Addilyn.  But I'm learning that this is just a season and it's okay.  

Last summer I trained for the marathon.  It was a huge time commitment and was really important to me.  This summer?  There's no way.  Not just because I am pregnant, but Chris has a new job, and he can't sacrifice the time in the mornings or to come home from work early so I could run.  It just wouldn't work this year, and is not a priority.  

This last year I wasn't in a small group.  I wanted to join this mom's group at my church, but first of all it was during Addilyn's nap time, but more importantly we were going through our never ending battle with leaving her in childcare and I just couldn't do that twice a week.  But I am craving fellowship and accountability now, as well as Addilyn has made some good progress in the nursery. While I am still nervous about her in the childcare, being in a small group in on my beam this Fall and I'm excited to make it happen.  

"Wise woman know what to hold onto and what to release, and how to walk confidently in their choices - no regrets, no apologies, no guilt." 

I think it's so freeing to remind yourself that you can not and do not need to have it all together.  That everyone has their strengths and gifts and hobbies and no one will have all the same priorities.  We do the best we can with what we have, and need to find joy in just that.  

I'm excited to read the book again, and share how God's used it to challenge me, as well as make me laugh quite a bit.  If you haven't ordered it yet, here's the link on amazon.

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Denise said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

sounds awesome.

Ashley said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Ugh I can soo relate to this!!! I think I need to read this book!!! Sounds like advice I need right about now!! Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Preordered the book, and I'm about halfway through. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! That first chapter on balance was so life-giving!!