blouse: Old Navy skinny jeans: jcpenny boots: dsw shirt: ?
These are officially my favorite pair of boots. I wear them all the time!
And yet again, thanks to looking at pinterest I found the idea to wear my tank top blouse over a long sleeve shirt.
What did we do before looking at pinterest?
Everyday at school I look at this picture on the bulletin board by my desk.
Today I looked at it multiple times.
And it makes me want to:
a) be tan again
b) go back to Mexico
c) spend time with you.
Thankfully I get to see you and your sweet babies in a little over a week!
And I know that this was a rougher week for you parenting wise.
I hope you know that you are raising the sweetest little boy and it couldn't be more of a reflection of what an amazing mother you are. I can't wait till I have a baby and can learn from one of the best!
I love you sister!

p.s. I just realized that yesterday my blog post title said Open you eyes. Next time I make a grammatical error like that, feel free to correct me. I know if my mom would have read that post, she would have right away.
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