August 31, 2015
Things that make me cry lately . . . . .

August 27, 2015
13 weeks

August 26, 2015
Telling our families . . . . . .
This time around things were totally different and it was so much fun surprising our families. When we were going through our fertility treatments our parents knew just about everything. They knew the day we waited for our phone calls to find out if we were pregnant. I wouldn't have had it any other way, as their support and prayers were so important to me. But it was not any "surprise" when they found out we were pregnant with Addilyn.
This time, they all knew we'd be thrilled to get pregnant, but like us did not expect it to happen. So they were shocked, needless to say! Also keeping a secret for 2 weeks from my mom was embarrassingly hard, but we wanted to wait until I had gone to the doctor and until my dad was in from out of town. We normally have dinner at my parents on Monday nights so we decided to tell them then. My sister knew the day I took the test as I texted her nonstop, but no one else knew. I made a big sis shirt for Addilyn but didn't put it on until everyone was there. We told them Addilyn had a new trick to show them and made everyone go in my parents' sunroom. I changed Addi's shirt and had her run ahead into the room. They were so surprised and it was just the best! Here's a video:
After dinner we went to Chris' parents house and did the same thing. They weren't expecting us and came outside when we called. Addilyn ran up to the front porch and it took a minute for it to set in the she was going to be someone's big sis. I wish we had that on video tape too!

August 25, 2015
Wishing for . . . . . .

August 24, 2015
Why I should never go into Aldi again

August 23, 2015
On baby #2
Most of you know our journey to get pregnant with Addilyn was not easy. After a few years of infertility, two failed IUI's, and and early miscarriage we got pregnant with our miracle baby after three rounds of IVF. We were told the chances of getting pregnant on our own were super slim. So after Addilyn was born we decided we'd "try" for a baby right away, knowing it was unlikely. I knew I wanted another baby but felt pretty convinced it'd have to happen through fertility treatments or adoption. My heart just didn't feel content pursing either one yet, so we decided that we'd wait until Addilyn turned two to figure out our next step. If we weren't pregnant yet we'd either meet with our fertility doctor or start pursing adoption. And I honestly I felt overwhelmed my both and did by best to not even think about it until Addilyn turned two. Thankfully for the most part I felt peace and contentment with where we were and waited.
Well two weeks before our sweet girl turned two I got a positive pregnancy test while on vacation in Florida. 12 weeks into this pregnancy and I still am shocked that it happened on its own. I know people always say that after you have a baby your body and hormones can change, but I tried to never take comfort or put stake in that as I had a diagnosed problem and the chances were so slim.
I know fully well that God can do anything, and credit Him for every blessing we've been given, especially our two miracles. I am so in awe of God's faithfulness and goodness. We couldn't feel more excited or grateful and can't even wait to meet our sweet baby the beginning of March.
And in case you were wondering Addilyn is super excited. Since the day we found out we were pregnant she's talked about the baby in my belly. Gives my belly kisses, asks if the baby is sleeping and tells the baby she loves him or her. She'll surely be in for a shock come March, but for now it's pure excitement.

August 20, 2015
It's coming . . .

August 19, 2015
For the Love
The first chapter is called Worst Beam Ever, and I think any woman could relate to. The idea that we are expected to "do it all" and have everything put together. I'm sure woman have always struggled with this, but I imagine social media making this a heck of a lot harder battle. It's so easy to compare your life to someone elses and feel inadequate about what you are or are not doing.

August 18, 2015
Some exciting news . . . .
We couldn't be more excited to share that baby #2 is due March 5th! God is so good and we are beyond thankful. We got to hear the sweetest little heartbeat at my 12 week appointment today. We weren't sure when or how we'd get to use these tiny baby booties again, but God has yet again answered our prayers and blessed us with another baby. More details to come . . .

August 16, 2015
Bloom, Baby
tee and bloomers: Jade & Grey designs moccasins: c/o freshly picked
Addi is wearing one of her Bloom, Baby shirts and a pair of her bloomers. I LOVE them! Now unfortunately Addilyn and I are no professionals when it comes to modeling and photography but we did our best. Even if most of the pictures were of Addi and her signature move with her hands above her head saying "Ta-daa!" or "Cheese!"
The tee is super soft and I know we will get lots of wear out of it! The cute little bloomers are well made and soft and comfy feeling. She also has teethers, bibs, adorable onesies and lots of other adorable things! All which would make great shower and baby gifts. Check out the rest of her stuff here!
Follow Jade & Grey on facebook here for discounts and updates. Brittany is giving you all a 15% discount code on any order using code bloombaby15. Also tomorrow morning I'm doing a giveaway on instagram for a tee and bloomer of your choice!! Thank you so much Brittany. We love you!
And one more signature pose for you. Hope you all had a great weekend!

August 13, 2015
One of those days
This just about represented the mood in the Vale house yesterday from both Addilyn and I. It's felt like a long seven days over here as we've been without Chris for all but a few hours on Saturday. He left our family vacation early and we overlapped an afternoon at home and then he left for a work trip. Thankfully he got back late last night, and we did well for the most part until yesterday. Addi didn't sleep great the night before, woke up early, super crabby and had a bug bit on her eye that made her look like this:
Perhaps adding to her crabbiness, although I'm leaning towards more just a two year old bipolar toddler day. But man, I had a hard time pulling it together. I was ready to call quits for the day by 9:00. I can't really think of a point to this post, other than saying when the day was said and done it made me thankful for these things:
1. That Chris doesn't travel a lot and that when he is home he is a great dad and does a lot to help take care of Addilyn.
2. That I have family close by to come over, as they did a few of the days and play with Addilyn to give me a little break.
3. That hard days end and a new day starts. A good reminder that days that seem daunting have to end.
4. That I'm not a single mom or a mom that has a husband that is gone often. Those woman are amazing and I have tons of respect and admiration for them!
5. That it is almost the weekend and Chris will be home the whole time!
Hope you all had a good week and are ready for the weekend too!

August 11, 2015
Sushi dates and old clothes

August 9, 2015
Hello there!

Sorry future Addi, but your little white bum is too cute!
Candy store overload

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