Dear Addi Jane,
I can't even believe you are half a year old! It is hard to believe how much you've grown this month and how fast time is going. The first time I tried to take your monthly pictures you were not so cooperative. But it made for some great pictures. Thankfully when we tried again we got some better pictures!
This month was so fun, mostly because of Christmas. I know you won't remember it this year but we'll have plenty of pictures to show you. Christmas with you was better than I even imagined. I have pictured what holidays would be like when we had a baby and it was so fun to be able to experience my favorite time of the year with you! I can't wait to make traditions and memories with you.
This month was so fun, mostly because of Christmas. I know you won't remember it this year but we'll have plenty of pictures to show you. Christmas with you was better than I even imagined. I have pictured what holidays would be like when we had a baby and it was so fun to be able to experience my favorite time of the year with you! I can't wait to make traditions and memories with you.

At the beginning of this month we took you to your first Christmas party. Daddy had a work party and you were quite the hit! Every time someone came up to meet you, you would kick your legs, giggle and give the biggest smile. It was so fun to show you off. We also took you to see Santa. At first you were a little skeptical, but decided you liked him after a minute or two.
Near the end of this month we gave you your first real food to try. We tried rice cereal a few times and you were disgusted. Which I can't blame you because we tasted it too and it was not good! We let you try sweet potatoes and you weren't quite sure what to think. You may have swallowed a few tiny tastes but most of the time just let it get all over your face and hands!
We got a huge snow storm on New Year's day and it was fun to be stuck at home for two days since Daddy didn't have to work. We took you outside while the snow was falling and you didn't really know what to think about it getting in your face. I can't wait until you can play outside next year!
Towards the end of the month you started getting a little cranky. I'm not sure if it was because we were forced to stay in our house due to the snow and cold weather, or just a little phase but you weren't your normal happy self. Thankfully I think it is over and you're back to your smiling, people loving self. I'm sure you will go through all kinds of phases and we will love you through every single one!
I wish I could tell you your sleep magically started getting better but sadly you are still a poor sleeper! We finally let you cry a little when you woke up shortly after we put you to bed, when we knew you weren't hungry and needed to sleep. I hate to hear you cry but know that waking up six times a night is not good for either of us. At the end of the month you've been waking up twice to eat which I'm okay with for now! After five months of being swaddled you are finally free in your crib and sleep on your stomach most of the time. I was afraid you'd never be out of that swaddle!
This month you learned to sit up on your own and can stay for a really short amount of time but it's so fun to see you learning new things.
I feel like this month you are really no longer looking like a baby. Your personality is coming out, you are more vocal and you definitely recognize and know who you want and love. You love your grandparents and love seeing them. You laugh and smile whenever anyone walks up the stairs in our house or when we take you out of your carseat and we're around family.
This month has been a little rough because we've been stuck inside a lot because of the cold weather and snow. I am so anxious to get out of the house and I feel like you are bored too! I can't wait for warmer weather so we can go on walks again and get together with our friends.
It's hard to believe that you've been part of our life for half a year. It's crazy to think that in another six months you will be one! I can't imagine life without you and feel so thankful God picked me to be your mom. Happy half birthday Addi Jane!
your mom
Sweet girl! She looks so much like her daddy!
I can't wait til she is older and will get to see this, this is so wonderful. too funny about not liking people, but of course she loves her mommy and anything that isn't a baby toy. I just love your little family!
She is so precious! It's so hard to believe our girls are half a year already!
So beautiful!
I love all of the photos from her first 6 month photo shoot - so fab! She is just adorable and gets cuter with every single picture. You two are some very pretty ladies. I hope you both are feeling better. XOXO
She is unbelievably cute!!! Those deep dark eyes! Gorgeous! Happy Half Birthday!!! :)
Oh my goodness! That hair! Such a big girl so fast...adorable :)
My goodness she is adorable! I can't believe she's 6 months already, aahh! She just keeps getting cuter.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
she has a better social life than i do!!! happy belated 6 months!
She is so perfectly sweet! Love seeing how she is growing! <3
awww it is really great to see how my joy she brings to your life! what a perfect little blessing she is!
Six months already?! Happy half birthday sweet girl!
she is getting so big and even cuter! great job that you get to put her on a swaddle for 5 months! If i can make it that long for my next baby ill be so happy!
$25 Target GC Giveaway
She is so cute and it is amazing to see how much she has grown!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
oh my goodness, she's so cute! Love the little pictures with the stats, very cute. You'll enjoy those as she gets older and you can't remember anything!:)
I loved reading this update! Addilyn is SO cute. Allie hated rice cereal, too. It's just boring! I want our babies to meet and be cute together! :)
I love your blog and seeing updates about your little girl! My little Skye is three weeks younger than Addilyn, so it's fun to see what your little girl does and then see Skye do it a few weeks later. Thanks for sharing all your fun posts!
So sweet!!!! Happy half-birthday. :)
6 months!! She is such a sweetie and I'm still so happy for you guys. She is so loved.
You're so good about keeping up this with this fun stuff! BTW she looks like she has the tannest legs ever-I'm jealous!
Awww yay happy 6 months to Addilyn!!!
Cutie!! And aren't holidays with babies the best?
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