Last week Chris, Addilyn and I flew to Vermont to spend five days with my sister and her family. I was anxiously awaiting meeting my new niece Annabelle Kate, and spend time with my niece and nephew. I was nervous about flying with Addilyn and how she'd do away from home as she hasn't been away from our house since she was super tiny. She did awesome and we had such a great time. I wish we were back!
Meeting sweet Annie was wonderful. She is beautiful and perfect. I loved the baby snuggles. It's hard to believe that seven months ago, Addilyn was this tiny.
Addilyn could not be more loved by her cousins. They kind of thought Addilyn was this new "toy" and wanted to take turns doing everything like feeding her, making her crawl or hugging her.
It was super sweet and so fun to watch them play together. The last time we were together Addilyn was so tiny. I was afraid Lena would crush her and she didn't really respond to them. But this time was so different. Every morning we'd walk up from the basement and Addilyn would start shaking and laughing as we were going up the stairs, so excited to see Travis and Lena. It was so funny!
I don't think there are any two kids more affectionate than my niece and nephew. I can't even count the times a day they'd voluntarily give me a huge hug and kiss and tell me they love me. They wanted to hug and love on Addilyn non stop. When I was pregnant with Addilyn, Chris and I would pray that she'd be affection like her cousins. I wish she could be around them all the time so it would rub off on her.
We'll go ahead and call this "kissing" them back for now.
My sister and I have always been close and I consider her my best friend. But since having a baby our friendship has meant even more to me as I really don't know what I'd do without her. I should be embarrassed at the amount of times I call or text her and how much I've appreciated her encouragement as a new mom.
I've loved spending time with her and her kids, but spending time with her now that I have my own baby is even better. It's so fun watching her love on Addilyn and get to go through the same phase of life together.
One of my favorite parts about our time there was after all the kids went to bed. Whenever Lauren and Jim come to visit they stay with my parents and we spent a lot of time there with my brother and his wife too. We rarely get to spend time with them alone and it was such a treat. Sitting around their living room, drinking wine, snuggling my sleeping niece and having quality conversations.
I could not be a luckier aunt to have these sweet babies in my life. I could not love them more!
And my favorite picture of the whole trip . . . .