Chris isn't too hard to please in terms of holidays and birthdays, as we rarely make a big deal of those days and both are happy with a dinner together and maybe a smaller gift. But when I do decide to buy Chris a present I rarely know what to get him. I'm super thankful for wishlists, especially those on Amazon where Chris looks on often. His birthday is in two weeks, so I made a list of a few things I think he'd love:
Flashlight: This some fancy flashlight that is sitting in Chris' wishlist on Amazon. I like because it's only $20 and I would think last longer and better than the cheap flashlights we have now.
Proverbs Journal: Chris got this Proverbs journal a few months ago. On one side of the page it has the verses for one chapter and on the write it has space for you two write them out your own. I am a huge fan of writing out Bible verses, both for meditation and memorization and I love that Chris started doing this. I would love to get him the Psalms journal next.
Hammer Drill: I know nothing about tools, so again I'm thankful for this (Dewalt one) being in his wishlist already!
Kanken Backpack: Chris loves hiking and usually goes away a few times a year with a friend or his dad and this would be perfect for him. There's a removable seat cover you can take off, and plenty of room to put whatever he may need, and it looks like it'd be really durable.
Black and Decker drill tool set: Again, thankful for this being in his wishlist. However, I can testify to many times asking for his help in drilling something or putting something together and him not being able to find the right thing he needs. So this would benefit me too!
Any other good ideas for the men in your life? Our ten year anniversary and Father's day are all within five weeks of each other so I should come up with at least one really good gift!
What can't you live without this week? Link up below!