. . . for Lauren and Lauren: To the lady at Hobby Lobby

December 12, 2016

To the lady at Hobby Lobby

The other day I went to Hobby Lobby with both kids which was probably a dumb idea, but my addiction to that store is strong so in the moment it feels worth it.  As I was carrying Isaac and about to put him into their mini carts, while Addi was climbing on the side of the cart and already asking for her treat, this woman came up to us and pulled out some antibacterial wipes.  She then proceeded to wipe down just about entire cart.  The handlebar, the sides and any surface my kids may potentially touch. She informed me how dirty these carts are and how easily kids get sick.  Now I know she was just trying to be nice and I really did not mind, but I was so tempted to tell her that both my kids eat food off the floor, and that I often give up on the battle of making Addi wash her hands each time she goes to the bathroom.  That while I go to the bathroom just about every time during the day, Isaac spends those minutes attempting to pull up next to me with his hands and sometimes mouth on the toilet seat.  That in order for Addi to put her underwear back on "by myself" she has to put her bare butt on the floor and get her legs in or has to take her underwear and pants totally off and climb up on the toilet seat like a little gremlin.  That I let Isaac chew on just about anything that makes him happy, unless it's a choking hazard.  So to the lady at Hobby Lobby, while I completely appreciate your effort, if you only knew how low my standards are of sanitation.

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Kelley Moyer said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Ha I'm with you on this! If something has stuff on it like dog hair, fuzz, etc I'll clean it off, but if not it's free game. My daughter was chewing on a shopping cart buckle at Sam's once, and a lady came up to her and pulled it away saying how dirty it was. I felt the exact same way you did :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Bahaha, this is the best!

Emily said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Oh my gosh, this made me laugh!!! Yes, yes, and YES to just about every single one of those! Pretty much what goes on around here too! Hahaha.

Faith said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Haha, this made me laugh out loud :)

Jen said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I let Anna chew on my sandal while visiting with Lauren, Katie, Julie & Erinn in TN. Pretty sure they were all grossed out, but it bought me some precious moments of uninterrupted adult conversation- which I needed so badly it felt worth it. :)

Erika said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

That is really funny! I wonder if she has kids?!

J and A said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

This totally made me laugh! I am so with you!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Amen. I tell myself it's improving their immune systems.