Wednesday Addilyn had her first day of preschool! Last year she went two days a week for the three year old class, and this year she'll be going Monday, Wednesday, Friday in the four year old class. If you read my blog in the past you know we've had our share of separation issues, and the beginning of the year last year was rough. Lots of tears from her the first few months and it was hard for me! I have big hopes of this year going more smoothly, as she's done it before. We love the teachers there and she has lots of familiar faces in her class.
She was excited and happy most of the time we talked about it (of course with the "I'm never going to school ever" thrown in there once in awhile), and as expected shy and nervous when we got there. But she walked right in and came running out at the end. I am proud of her and know this is going to be so good for her! Four year old preschool here she comes!
And really? Could she be in a cuter? Or could her backpack look any bigger on her tiny self? I could not love her more!
She is the sweetest. I LOVE the giant backpack on her! ha
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