I feel like I just wrote your letter last month. This month flew by too! It's hard to believe only two more months until you are one. That is almost too much for me to handle. The other day I watched your birth video and read the book I made you after you were born and I couldn't help but cry, thinking about how fast time is going. It is so fun to watch you get bigger, but I wish it didn't go so quickly.

Our biggest excitement this month was our trip to Vermont. We got to meet your sweet new cousin Annabelle, and spend time with your aunt, uncle and cousins. We had such a great time and you LOVED your cousins. It makes me even sadder that they live far away now that you are old enough to enjoy them!
Another big thing that happened this month was our first trip to the emergency room. Afterwards we realized we probably did not need to go, but we were so scared when you woke up and couldn't breathe that we took you in right away. We're still not positive what happened. It could have been an asthma attack or just a build up of mucus, but either way it was so scary. You have been sick a lot the last few months with bad colds and we are ready for you to be healthy! The only plus of you being sick is you are extra sleepy and cuddly.
Now that the weather is nicer we spend a lot of time outside. We go on walks, although you do not like being in your stroller for very long, but I am determined to change your mind and we keep going! You do love crawling around on our deck, swinging, going to the park or walking around the forest with daddy.
It's funny how your preferences can change so much from month to month. You now do not like the bath, as all you want to do is stand up on the side and try to crawl out. While it's getting a little better, you still hate being in your carseat for long. I think you just hate sitting still! You are moving everywhere, pulling up on everything and trying to crawl on top of everything. It makes me nervous that you are going to crawl out of your crib someday soon. Please don't!!!
You're eating lots of new food this month and you'll try anything we give you. So far your favorite foods are yogurt and cheese, just like your momma! You started doing some funny things when you are eating. You always put your right leg up and rest it on the top of the high chair. And sometimes you bend down and eat food off the tray with your mouth instead of using your hands. You are quite flexible. I've been collecting a large amount of these pictures because it makes me laugh every day!
You are talking more and more these days and you're little voice is so cute. You still do the occasional man grunting sounds, but thankfully have a cute little voice in there too! You definitely have a word for light and point to the ceiling and say it often. I'm pretty sure you have a word for dog too, and say "dada" for most things and "mama" when you are whining.
You're kind of stingy with your affection. You give me lots of hugs, mostly when you are tired or when you just wake up. But you are kind of picky with who and when you give hugs and kisses to. I try to sneak in kisses any way I can get them!
Ironically though, you love grabbing, hugging, "kissing" other kids. When we are at music class, sometimes you crawl from kid to kid and give them a kiss or grab them. It is pretty funny. You love being around other kids and get so excited when someone comes over. I hope you stay this excited and happy about playing with friends!
This month I got to celebrate Mother's day and it was wonderful. I feel so thankful that God picked me to be your mom. We say this every month, but you are getting cuter and cuter and more fun every month. It is hard to believe how much you change and learn every month. You're getting more opinionated, a little wild and can throw the occasional fit when you don't get your way. It makes me a little nervous about your strong willed self in the future!
Addiyln Jane you are the best. We love you more than you know and couldn't be happier that you are ours. Happy ten months!
your mom

Super cute.
She is so precious!!
Happy 10 month birthday to your little one!!!!!
can't believe just a short while ago i was reading posts about how much you wanted a baby...and now here you are with a precious little 10 month old! WOW! :)
She is just so precious! I think my favorite pic is of her on the swing. Reminds of my oldest...she couldn't get enough of swinging :) Addi is so lucky to have you as her mom!!
CANNOT HANDLE HER CUTENESS!!! That picture of her in the swing :) oh my word. Happy 10 months, little one!! :)
That is so funny with her foot and she really is getting so big!
She is so adorable. I cannot believe she is almost one!
Where has the time gone???
Addilyn is too cute! That is so funny that she puts her leg up when she eats now :)
The Tiny Heart
Bugsy's Box Giveaway!
She is ever so stylish...and I love all that hair and those smiles :) Such an eventful month for a 10 month old and I'm still soooo glad she was ok after her first ER visit.
Happy 10 months Addilyn! LOVE that she props her leg up! Hilarious!
She is SUCH a little doll! Her in that zebra hoody!? OMG!
Addiyln is SO precious! Her eating with her foot on the high chair is so darn cute. I am glad that she is okay from her ER visit. I am sure that was super scary for you guys. I cannot believe that she will be ONE so soon!
What a sweetie! I love the leg on the high chair. That is hilarious!
Oh my gosh that leg thing in the highchair is SO cute! She's so sweet and I agree it's bittersweet watching them change SO fast!
She is a riot! She is so happy and smiley! LoVE it. They change so fast!! Its crazy. Love her in that high chair! So fun. Happy 10 months!!
I didn't think it was possible for her to get cuter, but she definitely is! Every day!
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