July 29, 2015
Missing my old purpose

July 27, 2015
I Scream, You Scream . . .
I loved Addilyn's first birthday party. I loved making invitations, crafts, planning it and having a huge party to celebrate her (really our) first year. But it was a lot of work! So we knew we wanted to do something super simple and easy (and cheap), but still celebrate our baby girl turning two! We decided on having an ice cream party with just our immediate family and it was perfect. We had it at 3:30, so no need to worry about feeding any dinner. Maybe just ruining some dinners? Oops. But it was great and I'm so glad we did it just like that!
I used a lot of her polka dot decorations from her first birthday and hung polka dot garlands around our house. We bought tons of candy from the Dollar Store and Target and cut them up in little pieces and put them in cute little bowls I found at Hobby Lobby. The mini chalkboard signs came in packs of four at the dollar spot from Target. I found the ice cream garland online here for free!
Someone woke up from her nap pretty excited to see all this candy.

July 26, 2015
The end. Again.
top: c/o sheinside jeggings: gap shoes: kohls watch: c/o Jord watches leather bracelet: nickel & suede
Last night I finished the last episode of Friday Night Lights. For the second time. And I was just as sad, if not more when it was over. That show may be the best show ever. I watch one episode before I go to bed almost every night and I don't know what to do with myself before bed now. I'm thinking maybe starting Parenthood over again. I think I've watched all the good Netflix shows, but I could be wrong, so please fill me in if I'm missing one. Important stuff here, I know.
In equally important business, I love this top. It fits my standards of long, baggy and comfy. If it wasn't so sheer I'd wear it as a dress, but leggings and jeans it is. Plus it's under $12 so win, win!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I can't believe it is already the end of July!

July 23, 2015
I think I have enough
dress: c/o sheinside sandals: old navy cuff: nickel and suede
I'm pretty sure my closet does not need any more embroidered things in it, but I love them all. And will happily take more. I love the pattern on this dress and it is super comfy. It is a tad too short if I plan on doing any kind of bending over, but I think it'd be perfect for a beach cover up. And even better with leggings or even skinny jeans in the Fall. I am sure I will regret this but I am already ready for Fall weather. I can not wait to wear leggings and by Fall I mean not even close to Winter. I am no where near ready for that.

July 21, 2015
Soft Pants
top: target pants: kohls necklace: purple periodot sandals: old navy
I'm not positive if soft pants is the correct name for these pants but I love them. I debated buying them because of the tapered bottoms and something just doesn't seem right about that. But thanks to a coupon they ended up costing me 80 cents so I figured I couldn't lose. My shorts legs often mean dragging, baggy pants so the tapered bottoms are perfect. Plus they have pockets and an elastic waist, so soft pants for the win!

July 19, 2015
Addilyn turns two

July 16, 2015
JORD watches - my new favorite thing
tank top: old navy skirt: target necklace: ebay watch: c/o Jord Watches leather wrap: nickel and suede
I've been able have some pretty sweet opportunities and work with some great companies through blogging, but this one may just be my favorite. I've seen a handful of bloggers write about and share about these beautiful wooden watches and spent some time looking on their site, wanting one for myself. I can't tell you how excited I was when they contacted me about working together.
I of course had a hard time picking as they all seem like such beautiful watches, but I decided on the fieldcrest in natural green. It is beautiful. It even came in this fancy wooden box. I don't think I've been that excited to check my mail every day, as when I was waiting for my watch! When it came it was a tiny bit lighter in color, but it's changed into this beautiful greenish wood color since I've worn it outside. Each watch shade will be a little different, depending on the wood grains used to make it. When you order your watch, you give them your wrist size so it will fit perfectly when you get it. It came with the links too in case I need to add them at some point.
It's been a long time since I've worn a watch consistently. Even when I was teaching I felt like I did not have a watch that was comfortable, appropriate for every outfit and didn't get in the way when I was doing things. I think only one day has passed the last week and a half that I haven't worn my watch. I absolutely love it and know I will be wearing it all the time. Plus I think it looks perfect with my new leather cuff from Nickel and Suede.

July 15, 2015
Mystery Craft Challenge - I need your votes!
Jennifer has been a blogging friend since I started blogging years ago. She is unbelievable talented and I want her to come decorate my house and plan my parties. She came up with this super fun challenge where she sent participants old school crafting supplies and they had to be transformed into something you could use. I was kind of stumped when I got my mystery item, but think it turned out pretty good. Super easy and cheap. My favorite kind of project. Plus there is voting and a winner and prizes! (Check them out here and please vote for me - I'm number 8!)

Now is where I need your help! Jennifer shared my craft as well as the 8 other ladies who participated. The winner gets some pretty sweet prizes, like a Michael's gift card and some awesome prizes from generous etsy shops. Can you do me a huge favor and vote for me? Vote HERE! (click on the link and I'm number 8!)

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