. . . for Lauren and Lauren: the good and the bad

July 10, 2016

the good and the bad

tee and pants: old navy   bracelet: nickel and suede
The bad:

I went to the dentist two weeks ago and if you've read my blog for any length of time you know how much I loathe the dentist.  I have four cavities, one that is a possible root canal.  Sadly I thought I'd need more things done than that, but still dreading my two appointments.  

Speaking of dentists, I'm afraid Addi has a cavity and am dreading taking her.  I need to call but keep not doing it! And am pretty sure I will make Chris take her as I don't want my anxiety to rub off on her.  

Isaac got another bad cold, that Chris and I both just had.  We had recently put him on acid reflux medicine for his constant cough and I was hoping to take him in next week to see if we could try a new kind or dosage because he was still coughing.  Well now he's coughing from this cold so I feel like we can't tell if medicine will work or not.  Makes me discouraged and frustrating and tired . . . because little sleep is happening over here! 

The good:

Addi and I made playdough (recipe here) the other morning.  It was easy and she's still playing with it. I need to find more fun activities for us like that to do at home!  Tell me any good ones you have! 

These pants.  They are soft and stretchy and I love them.  I bought them at the beginning of my pregnancy with Isaac and am excited to be able to wear them again now.  Stretchy pants always win.

I got this leather wrap bracelet last year and I love it.  It was more than I usually spend on accessories, but it one of the few I actually wear these days.  

These summer tops: 

one //  two  //  three  

Love the tassels and I want to try an off the shoulder top but am thinking either where will I wear it too and will one of my kids pull it down? Right??  Any moms of littles wear them often? 

We're getting new carpet tomorrow.  I'm super excited, but right now the current state of our house is nuts as we've been moving everything around for them to come.  Let's hope putting it all back is easy so we can enjoy our new floor! 

Hope you had a great weekend!

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PolkaDottyPlace said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Sorry you've all been sick. We're all sick and sleep deprived at our house and it's no fun. Let's hope the coming week is a healthier one for both of us. Olive loves playdoh, water color painting, stickers, oversized colored pencils and a coloring pad, bubble baths and baking (real and pretend) for fun at home projects.

Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Do you take Addi to a pediatric dentist? I was so nervous to take Ryan to the dentist (our kids are the same age) because he can be so stubborn and I was just unsure if he would even open his mouth to let the dentist see! But they really knew how to put him at ease and I'm so glad I didn't take him to my dentist, although they see kids too.

I filled a plastic shoe box container with rice and buried the pieces of a foamy ABC puzzle in them. Then I let him use a spoon or his hands to dig through the rice and find them. (The whole puzzle was the size of a sheet of paper so the letters were like magnet letter size.) We would name the letter as he pulled it out and then put it back in the puzzle. Easy & killed a good amount of time. I also saw on a blog where she made jello and put some of their smaller toys & trinkets in there. The kids dug in the jello to excavate them and had some snacking at the same time ha! I always feel like I should do more of these activities too but I feel like it's hard with the baby. But I know even though he isn't able to articulate it, Ryan really misses that one on one attention he used to get before the baby came.