. . . for Lauren and Lauren: If we had coffee

October 25, 2016

If we had coffee

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I'd tell you that Addilyn went to the dentist to get two cavities filled.  I was too nervous to take her, so Chris did and it went horribly.  Turns out she has four cavities and they couldn't fill them because she couldn't handle it.  Which makes sense since she's three, and it was just too much.  We still have to go back next week to get temporary fillings.  But I'm dreading it.  And feeling guilty that we could have prevented it if we didn't let her have as much sugar and brushed more.  See ya later fruit snacks.

I'd tell you that I miss working out, yet I don't know how to fit it in.  Thankfully the weather has been nice enough we walk most days, but I know that won't last long.  I want to feel strong and more in shape and need to find a way to make it work at least a few times a week.

I'd talk about how Addilyn is in an extreme clingy, dependent stage.  Which is crazy because she is incredible clingy and dependent as in, but has taken it up a notch.  I'm not sure if it's because of preschool (which I was hoping for the opposite effect), or just a stage but it's so hard.  She cries when I leave her with anyone, including Chris.  She doesn't even go in the bathroom alone, and bedtime includes one thousand mamas.

I'd tell you that I miss teaching.  I don't know if it's because we've had a few rougher weeks here lately, or because I've been feeling lonely and lacking adult conversation but I miss working. I can't imagine leaving my kids and am so happy that I get to stay home with them, but I miss having a purpose other than motherhood.

I'd tell you how thankful I feel for our house and how much I love it.  I still can't believe that we moved when a few months ago we weren't even looking for a house.  I'd tell you all the time I spend looking on pinterest and instagram for decorating ideas and how I wish I could be a personal shopper and decorating for people's house.

I'd tell you about the $35 I spent on Addilyn's school pictures and I can't wait to get them back. I was there when they took them and let me tell you, they will be real winners.

I'd tell you I'm ready for the weekend and am hoping for a little alone time or time with Chris without the kids.  I also can not wait for Sunday and Monday and dressing the kids in their costumes and eating all of their candy.


Angie said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Yikes, hate to hear she is having cavity problems. Hope it's not too traumatic next visit :(

I so agree on needing a purpose other than motherhood. I've been there and done that. Being a SAHM can make you feel very isolated.

Rebekah @ Chronicles from the Peanut Gallery said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I'm seriously terrified about what will be found when my girls go to the dentist. I'm horrible about remembering to brush their teeth and we give them too much sugar! I'm sorry you're dealing with that! I'm sure it was miserable!

J and A said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Aw I wish we could actually have coffee. Poor Addilyn. The dentist is no fun. I am dreading taking D again and will def make J do it. I bet your house is lovely! You should do a tour!
I try and do my workouts first thing in the morning before I do anything else. On work days I have no idea how I'll manage now. I don't know what I used to do and I am useless after the kids go to bed.

Emily said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Your teaching comment is so me too. I am so grateful to be home but I miss teaching so much too! In fact the other day I was studying during nap time for two teaching tests I have to take to get my license in Texas and I was totally loving it. I agree about it being part loneliness too, some days I feel so so lonely as a SAHM and I miss the comradie of being around the other teachers all day and working with a bunch of different kids and staff. And being able to leave work at work (at least ad much as you can when you're a teacher!). Definitely can't do that as a mom!

Erin LFF said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Aww, poor little Addilyn and the cavities. I can barely handle them as a grown woman, I'm sure that was rough :( I miss working out too.. can we help each other make time somehow?! Haha, I don't know how to get it all done in one day- truly, I don't!

Erin said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

So sorry to hear about Addilyn's cavities! Poor girl! I hope the second trip is a bit easier (on all of you!). My daughter hates the dentist, and I totally dread the trips we take. I'll send some positive thoughts your way!!

So glad to hear you love your house! We moved last year and I just love our home too. I never thought we would get a house like this, so I'm so grateful we have it for our kids to grow up in. :) Can't wait to see how you decorate your new house!!