Dear Addilyn,
I know I say this every month but this month I really mean it! You have grown and changed so much and I can't believe how fast time is going. I love the new things you are doing, but I miss those snuggly newborn days and want time to slow down a little. Your personality is really coming out this month. You are silly, active and love being around others. You are constantly wanting to move and play and interact with whoever is around.
You rarely cry and are happy most of the time, as long as you are being entertained and played with. You'll be content in your highchair or exersaucer for short periods of time, but usually like to be played with on the floor or on the couch. You love being tossed in the air, playing peek-a-boo and running around the house. You laugh a lot more these days and your sweet little giggles are so cute. You don't make your manly grunting sounds as often, which surprisingly I miss. You've started making "la la la" and "ba ba ba" sounds. And have discovered that you can scream, yell and make all kinds of noises!
This month you ate puffs for the first time and you love them! Whenever I take out the bottle and shake it you start flailing your hands and laughing. No matter how many I put on your try, you try to grab them altogether and put them all in your mouth. They've worked well for bribing you to sit still for pictures too!
Besides loving puffs you like just about any food we've given you. Sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, apples, pears, peaches, and bananas to name a few. Your favorite food is probably yogurt. I'm pretty sure you could eat tons of it if I let you!
You love being in the water. You love the pool at the Y and love taking baths at home. You've started splashing more and kicking your feet. It's taken you awhile but you can finally sit up for an extended period of time on your own. You aren't crawling yet, but can get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. You can scoot backwards and turn in circles, you just can't move forward yet!
I love your big eyes, long eyelashes, scrunched up nose, big cheeks and perfect smile. You make my heart happy every day and I am so lucky to be your mom. This month has been so fun to watch your little (or big) personality come out. There are some moments where I get a little nervous about mothering your active, wild self in the future. But I'm so thankful that God gave us a spunky, funny, full of life baby girl and I can't wait to watch you grow into a little girl (although not too fast!). I hope some day you know how much your daddy and I love you!
your mom

Her little smile is just so sweet!! Puffs are a big hit at our house too!
Sweet girl. She looks so happy! That's how Gabe is right now with sleep -- sleep around 7-8, up around 4-6, then back down until 8 or so. He went through separation anxiety last month (10 months), and it was rough to pedal backwards, but it didn't last long!
Wow, growing so fast.
Ohhhh my goodness! The picture of her with the glasses? Way too cute for words!!! :)
I love her little chunky baby legs! Too cute!
8 months?! How that happened I don't know! She is a doll and I love watching her grow. Thanks for always sharing Katie! XOXO
she is such a doll! i love her little smile!
Aww. I didn't know you had a blog. So this was the first time I have seen it. How sweet is this. Super cute and adorable how you are writing this to your daughter. I love it. She is super cute.
Aww. I didn't know you had a blog. So this was the first time I have seen it. How sweet is this. Super cute and adorable how you are writing this to your daughter. I love it. She is super cute.
I feel like she was just born, where did the time go? Those eyelashes, I want them!
Aaaah that beautiful girl is 8 MONTHS!! Woah! I love how you have done the monthly updates and photos, I wish I had done that for Fletch's first year.
Ahhhh, she's just so sweet! I love her little smile. Oh, and those legs!
She is just the cutest! Don't worry too much about the separation anxiety. It's typical at around nine months, even for kids who have never had a hard time before. You're doing great and it shows in her smile!!
My little one's favorite game is Peek a Boo too! It's adorable to watch her.
I love the pic of your Addie in glasses. She's just perfect!
STOP IT!! She's not allowed to look that grown up!
your baby is so cute
She is just beautiful. Can't wait to take D swimming and start her on food! So fun.
She is so adorable!!! Allie loves poofs, too! These crazy babies are about to start crawling, and our lives will never be the same! :)
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