sweater: old navy scarf: ebay bots: target jeans: ?
Hey look. Real snow! This was a few weeks ago and we've gotten so little snow this year. I really don't mind as I hate driving in the snow, but we've yet to play outside with Addi because the days there's actually been snow on the ground it's been too cold to be outside.
I've done lots of little projects around our house and can't wait to share them. Last weekend I painted our bathroom and made some towel hooks that I love! If everyone can get healthy over here, I hope to finish it this weekend, and share soon. I should probably stop watching HGTV because I want to do a million projects all the time.
Thank you for your comments on my post this week. I know there are moms in the same spot as me, but I just don't see it regularly so it helps to throw it out there every so often and hear that others are in the same place. While I know it wouldn't be as fun or appealing, it'd be nice to hear and see more of those truths through social media and hear others insecurities or struggles. So thanks to those that took the time to comment or the few that emailed me. It is greatly appreciated.
Speaking of struggles, I hate to be a downer but this week has been straight up hard. We had not even a week of good health since Addilyn had the stomach flu right after I had it, and now she's had a higher fever for four days and has not been herself. Her sleep is off, we've been stuck at home, and I'm straight up tired and crabby. But I know this is a normal part of motherhood and am trying to remind myself that it's part of the job and things will go back to normal soon. That being said, I'm ready for a healthy streak over here!
Hope you all have a great weekend!